How To Own Christmas Decorations For Free In This Special Day

The most interesting part of the Christmas is beautifully decorated homes and Christmas Decorations trees. In this article, we are sharing some of the brilliant DIY Christmas decorations ideas.

Wreath Bows and Mistletoe Hanging

You can make your very own decorative mistletoe or wreath bow and hang it around the house. It’s super easy to make and adds to the decoration of the house.

For the mistletoe you can use a thick fabric like felt, some ribbon, hot glue, and pearls.attach the ribbon and the bottom like a bow of the finely mistletoe shaped cloth and attach pearl to it like fallen snow and you mistletoe hanging is complete.

As for the wreath bow for door hanging use styrofoam and make in cone shape then attach the small cones with hot glue in a way it gains the shape of the original hanging.It’s super easy on the wallet and not much time-consuming.

DIY Christmas Decoration Ideas

You can also use pine cones for Christmas decorations at home. Take pine cones and apply golden spray on them and place them in a basket or glass bowl.

For the Christmas chair back covers and Christmas cushion cover you can use red cloth and white border to give them charming Christmas look. Take tree twigs and apply red paint on it then hang some bells, beads and toys on it. It will also give amazing Christmas vibes in your room.

For lighting, you can use sparkling mini lights or candles in your house. If you are making arrangements in your yard then you can also make preparations for paper lamps.

To decorate Christmas tree you can use your imaginations and render spare embellishments from your home. Some of the good ideas are using beads, pearls, bells, colorful socks, walnuts, cookies, sweets and much more.

Take leaves of the juniper tree, firs, pines or spruce and spray them with white paint for the elegant Christmas look in your home.

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